‘Battle of Techno House’: Russian solider beaten by a door gets his own Wikipedia page
The page states that the outcome of the conflict was a "decisive door victory", with Russian pride listed among the casualties.
The page states that the outcome of the conflict was a "decisive door victory", with Russian pride listed among the casualties.
Vladimir Putin is “using similar propaganda” as Adolf Hitler did during World War II, observers have concluded.
Alisher Usmanov is still unsanctioned in the UK and owns two massive estates in the country, making a mockery of notions "we are leading the way".
Taras Ostapchuk, 55, is on his way to Kyiv. "I'm going to fight for my country," he said.
“As an ethnic Russian and a Russia citizen, I see it as my moral duty to facilitate the denazification of Russia," he said.
Show some bloody humility, George.
"We in Wales are familiar with these arguments," the Plaid Cymru politician said.
"How does President Putin justify killing innocent men, women, and children in Ukraine?", the BBC host asked.
Flight SU124 made an eight hour flight to nowhere after Canada banned Russian planes from its airspace.
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