WATCH: UK govt’s handling of Ukrainian refugee crisis in 6 brutal minutes
Once again, Ros Atkins has concisely summarised the government's response to an escalating crisis to devastating effect.
Once again, Ros Atkins has concisely summarised the government's response to an escalating crisis to devastating effect.
“Priti Patel tries to give you the impression that we’re moving heaven and earth to help Ukrainian refugees when we’re doing less than any other country in Europe," the LBC presenter said.
The transport secretary couldn't cover up the fact that Britain is becoming increasingly isolated in its response to the refugee crisis.
The cruel reality of "Global Britain," tweeted Best for Britain along with a pic of the map of refugee intake across Europe.
Richard Hewison said the slow pace of processing is in sharp contrast to the 72 requests for golden visas for wealthy Russians that were approved last year.
Across the country, thousands of people are thought to have been killed, both civilians and soldiers, in nearly two weeks of fighting.
Some charities have even given up, saying "it doesn’t make sense to spend so much time and money dealing with the bureaucracy."
He said the "Brexit-era thinking about immigration and humanitarian rights is hopelessly out of date."
"Under any normal administration that in itself would be a resignation matter," the veteran MP told the House. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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