Donald Trump warns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine could lead to WWIII
"We don’t have anybody to talk to him. You had somebody to talk to him with me. Nobody was ever tougher on Russia than me," the former US president told supporters.
"We don’t have anybody to talk to him. You had somebody to talk to him with me. Nobody was ever tougher on Russia than me," the former US president told supporters.
“I hope UK government accepts this Scottish government proposal (which is being made by the Welsh government too) and allow us to get on with offering sanctuary to those fleeing the war," Nicola Sturgeon has said.
Many wondered how much worse the public response would be if Labour MP Diane Abbott made the gaffe – or former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.
Despite this, only nine per cent of them would definitely take in Ukrainian refugees, the same poll revealed.
"How about reading an email from those of us who are unhappy about more immigration," he told the BBC.
Panic buying triggered by sanctions and the collapsing ruble has resulted in bare shelves in Moscow and elsewhere in Russia.
Camilla Tominey said the EU has been excruciatingly slow to react "because so many of its members are compromised by their links to Moscow."
“Despite all the grand statements… the British government continued to apply current rules that meant they did not welcome Ukrainian refugees."
A Guardian journalist was asked to write "Putin is a c**k" to prove he wasn't one of the enemies. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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