Russell Brand shares fake post claiming Penelope Keith shot JFK
"Russell Brand is a global embarrassment."
"Russell Brand is a global embarrassment."
Scotland Yard said a man in his 40s was interviewed under caution in relation to three non-recent sexual offences.
The woman, referred to as Jane Doe in court filings, said the attack occurred in 2010.
His plea came hours after the Met Police made an announcement about him.
Smart, who is a former friend of Brand, was also quizzed on whether he ever told the comedian he was going too far in the time he knew him.
Brand detailed in his autobiography how he lost his virginity with a hooker in Hong Kong while his dad was in the same room.
The move has been blamed on Brand ‘violating’ the ‘creator responsibility policy’, the Google-owned company said.
The actor and comedian is accused of sexual assault by multiple women.
Broadcasters engaged in a heated debate during their show on Monday morning as they discussed the allegations. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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