The memes roll in as Sunak says he went without Sky as a child
The prime minister's attempt to connect with voters didn't quite work out as he'd planned.
The prime minister's attempt to connect with voters didn't quite work out as he'd planned.
The prime minister has poured his heart out about the sacrifices he had to make as a child, including, famously, Sky TV.
YouGov/ Sky News polling puts the Lib Dems on track to become the second largest party in the House of Commons, and the new official opposition.
"Nick Robinson just iced a man"
The Prime Minister said he wouldnot stop ‘fighting for the future of our country’ amid the continued fallout from his early departure from D-Day.
The union organisation said its analysis showed the UK has suffered the biggest rise in unemployment of any OECD country since the turn of the year.
The prime minister was pictured canvassing in Bedale, Yorkshire, as media minders sought to shield the embattled prime minister.
"We chose for Prime Minister a bank clerk with all the charisma of a contraflow system."
Wouldn't this be something? Rishi Sunak is predicted to lose up to 20% of the huge majority which carried him to victory in 2019. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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