Angry cat watching PM on Question Time ‘represents entire electorate’
Rishi Sunak was met with shouts of shame by the QT audience, and judging by this clip, it isn't just humans who are outraged by the PM's remarks!
Rishi Sunak was met with shouts of shame by the QT audience, and judging by this clip, it isn't just humans who are outraged by the PM's remarks!
Clips of prime minister Rishi Sunak discussing spread betting have also emerged.
What are the odds on that?
It comes amid rumours that a cabinet minister could be embroiled in the scandal.
The Prime Minister continued to face calls of “shame on you” as the Question Time election special drew to an end.
The Metropolitan Police said the police constable was taken into custody and subsequently bailed pending further inquiries.
Despite being one of the more favourable large-scale polls, the More In Common survey forecasts the Tories will win just 155 seats.
The Prime Minister pledged to get the legislation through Parliament before the summer recess if he wins the election.
The call is the latest in a series of demands for Labour to rule out specific tax rises. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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