Labour compares Tory record to ‘tragic soap opera’ in campaign stunt
A website presents the last 14 years of government as a serial called Chaos And Decline.
A website presents the last 14 years of government as a serial called Chaos And Decline.
The Prime Minister insisted his plan was the right way forward, after the Tories lost the West Midlands mayoral contest to Sir Keir Starmer’s Labour.
Not only was Susan Hall rejected by the people of London - the Tory candidate was also snubbed by the Prime Minister.
Just when Rishi Sunak thought things couldn't get worse, this happens - and Labour are now celebrating a victory 'in the PM's backyard'.
It is three years since the Tories last gained a seat at a by-election.
"The prime minister is in danger of a coup at any time" - Hugo Gye.
The UK economy grew by 0.1% last year and is expected to see growth improve to 0.4% this year, although this is below the 0.7% previously predicted.
Labour said Rishi Sunak’s decision not to address calls for an investigation into Tory links with the groups was an ‘abject failure of leadership’.
An Irish minister claimed there had been a rise in the number of asylum seekers crossing the border from Northern Ireland. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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