Sunak adds swimming pool to country mansion while cutting your benefits
The chancellor has defied MPs to cut six million people’s Universal Credit allowance by £20 a week.
The chancellor has defied MPs to cut six million people’s Universal Credit allowance by £20 a week.
"The government’s levelling up agenda is based on the premise the entire country has suffered some type of collective amnesia," he said.
From the newsletter: The chancellor thinks young people ought to get back to the office. Is he right?
The chancellor said going to the office is "really beneficial" for young people's careers.
Any saving for buyers was mostly subsumed by a spike in house prices, experts said.
Top Treasury civil servants were handed 30 per cent pay rises while Rishi Sunak froze public sector pay.
Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak, the chancellor, are among the hundreds of thousands of people currently self-isolating.
What is the scheme, who - beyond the Cabinet - is actually eligible for it, and when will the rest of us be able to use it?
Unusually strong recent rises in earnings as a result of the pandemic mean the payout is expected to sharply increase. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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