Levelling up? Budget slashes £2 billion in funding for poor areas
The government had promised to match lost EU funding for deprived areas - but Rishi Sunak had other ideas.
The government had promised to match lost EU funding for deprived areas - but Rishi Sunak had other ideas.
Rachel Reeves said the Chancellor's Budget was "loading the burden" on working people.
Sunak made it cheaper for people to fly between UK cities - while making little mention of the climate crisis in Wednesday's Budget.
Officials have discussed cutting university tuition fees to £8,500, reports suggest.
Reports suggest the Chancellor is set to cut the taper rate for Universal Credit to 60p in today's Budget.
From the newsletter: Cash is being splashed on local transport, but it's far from devolution.
The veil of the pandemic has been lifted - now we're starting to see the Conservative's real post-Brexit agenda.
"We can afford to contribute more," a group of 30 millionaires told the Chancellor.
Ahead of the Budget, the Chancellor said the UK "has always been a proud and preeminent nation".
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