Reform UK declares war on small-town barber shops
"I'll tell you what the accusation is. The accusation is that these are fronts for money laundering drug money."
"I'll tell you what the accusation is. The accusation is that these are fronts for money laundering drug money."
The outgoing MP for Telford backed the Reform UK candidate rather than her potential Tory successor.
Starved of media attention but still doing the business. Not bad, eh!
Another (now dropped) parliamentary candidate claimed that London is a "third world s***hole" because there are "no whites running" the city.
“Naturally I am mortified that through ignorance I did not realise the reason for his inactivity", a party spokesperson said.
"It's the travelling community who are just thieves and vagabonds and ruining my entire village and I'd do it again", he said.
The party has ditched seven candidates for the upcoming election following complaints about their social media posts.
The party has now sacked seven parliamentary candidates over comments they made on social media.
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