Angela Rayner ‘called Prince Andrew a nonce’ and ‘tried to block him from royal duties’
The claims were made in a new book about the Labour government.
The claims were made in a new book about the Labour government.
Andrew has previously said that he had cut off contact with Epstein in December 2010 - but this message was sent in late February 2011.
Prince Andrew has been accused of using a false name and a residential address at which he has never resided in the filing.
Questioning the negative sentiment directed towards Prince Andrew, Richard Madeley argued that he may have 'suffered enough'.
New photos from the Netflix film show Rufus Sewell, who portrays the duke, and Gillian Anderson, who plays Emily Maitlis.
Also accused in the email extracts from Sarah Ransome was former US president Donald Trump, with some unsavoury details revealed.
The names of the two politicians remain redacted.
“The question many people will be asking is simple: if the accused were anyone else, do we believe they wouldn’t have been investigated and prosecuted?”
Former US President Bill Clinton, pop icon Michael Jackson and a “well-known prime minister” were also named in the document. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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