Tory peer Michelle Mone received £29m from profits of PPE business
"This is bombshell reporting into what must now be a raging national scandal", Mike Galsworthy said.
"This is bombshell reporting into what must now be a raging national scandal", Mike Galsworthy said.
The extent of suppliers’ profit margin was never considered, nor were potential conflicts between companies and the people referring them through the VIP lane.
“Sending billions of pounds up in smoke when NHS and care services are struggling will be hard for them to comprehend."
The £11 million property is owned by an offshore company linked to her husband’s Isle of Man business.
The government splurged £8.7 billion on overpriced or useless PPE, ministers admitted earlier this year.
Changes to procurement "contributed to a significant loss of value to the taxpayer " and left the Department "open to the risk of fraud".
Michael Gove had told the Commons that an "eight-stage process" was in place to ensure value for taxpayer money.
David Meller - a prominent Tory donor - was referred for a PPE deal via the government's 'VIP lane'.
An ex-Tory party chair helped secure PPE deals for three companies through a VIP recommendation lane, it has emerged. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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