PMQs: Tories are revolting so it was ‘afternoon Prime Minister… for now’
Almost a hundred Tory MPs think they know better than the scientists. They are experts at ignoring the experts. They must hate themselves.
Almost a hundred Tory MPs think they know better than the scientists. They are experts at ignoring the experts. They must hate themselves.
The party, that wasn't a party, that took place or never took place. Try saying that after a boozy cheese and wine night at Downing Street!
"A room full of 50 odd Tories drinking champagne, discussing their second jobs xmas bonuses and laughing at the poor, isn’t my idea of a party."
The PM claimed ‘all guidance was followed completely’ - but Starmer said Christmas parties were banned last year.
Ian Blackford asked whether he had "considered calling it a day before he gets pushed."
"You might be the prime minister but in this House I am in charge," he said.
In no other profession in our country could somebody be found guilty by an independent process and just have their mates vote them back into the job.
"I prosecuted terrorists and I prosecuted extremists," said Starmer. "I bought dodgy water canons, my vegetative bridge was vegetative & I escaped on holiday to avoid a damning Covid report", the PM should have replied.
Angela Rayner basks in the limelight, while Raab is left questioning 'Watt' on earth just happened. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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