PMQs – The new iron lady thinks she is box office but rusts on opening night
It's straight to DVD for this one, which could be an issue given that most Tory members still rely on VHS tapes they found in bargain baskets at Woolworths.
It's straight to DVD for this one, which could be an issue given that most Tory members still rely on VHS tapes they found in bargain baskets at Woolworths.
Theresa May has often criticised her successor over his attitude and policies, and today she did not forgive and forget.
Eventually, the Tories stood up and clapped, and Nadine Dorries ran after him, less Casablanca more Fatal Attraction.
Hoyle called on the Serjeant at Arms to escort them out, yelling: "Out, now!"
The right, left and centre of the party has abandoned him. It isn’t a race to the bottom. The rectum has prolapsed and a few slimy dingleberries cling on.
Raab stared into the middle distance seemingly imagining what poor northerners do of a weekend, ferreting, unprotected sex in pub car parks or skipping meals due to in-work poverty.
A strike, of any kind, is one that will always make every Tory froth at the mouth. There is nothing like working people fighting to save their livelihoods to really antagonise Conservatives.
"Maybe I'm just naive," Peter Stefanovic told The London Economic, but surely these matters should be raised?
How did it come to this, a human rights lawyer failing to discuss the human rights of people on board flights to Rwanda? – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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