Nigel Farage turns up to farmers’ rally and everyone says the same thing
Too dangerous to do surgeries in Clacton but a large protest in London with TV cameras? He’s there!
Too dangerous to do surgeries in Clacton but a large protest in London with TV cameras? He’s there!
No unmarried mothers, no Middle Eastern people, no refugees, no people seeking emergency accommodation and definitely no wise men!
The PM joked that the Reform UK leader was making a “rare appearance in Britain” after his numerous jaunts to the US.
The right has gobbled the only political currency that matters; the "oxygen of attention".
After a sip of his tea and a few chuckles, Labour's Darren Jones gave some humbling advice to Nigel Farage this morning.
Ah, masterful gambit from Nigel Farage. The people of Clacton can rest easy knowing their MP is now a local homeowner.
Nigel Farage has set his gaze on the 2026 Senedd election with a raft of Trumpist policies up his sleeve.
“The MP for Mar a Lago out working hard for the people of Clacton"
"Hasn't he got a job working for the people of Clacton?" – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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