Led By Donkeys sends timely billboard reminder to Nigel Farage
It comes on the back of a procession of disastrous Brexit news stories.
It comes on the back of a procession of disastrous Brexit news stories.
In a video from 2019, Farage says passionately that the food shortages threat is "Project Fear" and "should be utterly, completely, totally, disregarded.”
"Wonder if the £190 included ear muffs. Goodness knows... you would need them," one Twitter user said.
He gave no indication of an exact date as to when he will be returning to the show.
The average number of people tuning in has dropped by more than 20,000 per day since its debut in June.
“The duty of the RNLI is to save anybody who is at sea, regardless of where they've come from, where they're going, who they are, and people just seem to be overlooking this fact."
"It's not like we're some extremist zealots," its leader has insisted.
"After a couple of billboards, an advan at their HQ, more than 2.5 million views on films, and escalating pressure, Sainsbury’s did the right thing."
The Led by Donkeys video now has ten times more viewers than the NigelFarage show on GBNews - Time for Sainsbury's to take note?
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