Farage is fawning over King Charles but people haven’t forgotten past comments
The former Prince of Wales ascended to the throne following the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, on Thursday.
The former Prince of Wales ascended to the throne following the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, on Thursday.
"You might not find reasons to vote for Keir Starmer, but there aren't actually the really powerful reasons to vote against him," he said.
"Tell us you miss your EU salary without telling us you miss your EU salary," said one person.
You get what you vote for: Britain's sewage crisis is being blamed on Brexit - and Nigel Farage has been skewered in this viral video...
The former UKIPer is now calling for Britain to "disentangle" itself from the ECHR - a convention it helped set it up!
The ‘Flying Farage’ rescue hovercraft becomes more and more of a possibility!
"Our children are being indoctrinated. Our universities have become madrassas of Marxism, and it needs to change,” he said.
“And what was that monumental thing, Mark?”
"I much prefer this public involvement (you know what the police are supposed to be, by consent, part of the community) than well... bants and murder," wrote one person in response.
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