I’m a Celeb part of Farage’s ‘new plan to change the face of British politics’
"His new Brexit will be PR", Ava Evans told the Politics JOE pubcast.
"His new Brexit will be PR", Ava Evans told the Politics JOE pubcast.
"Politically, 2024 is going to be enormous", Matt Goodwin said.
The former UKIPer said he wants to show people he is ‘not nasty’ as he joins the ITV show, due to start on Monday 19th November.
"Anything that normalises or amplifies his toxic views must be opposed", Naomi Smith from Best for Britain said.
It has been rumoured that the former UKIP leader will be the highest-ever paid contestant on the show.
"This isn't "bants", that man has incited so much hatred, racism and division in our country. I am physically disgusted."
The banking giant said she has not been considered a ‘good leaver’ following her departure.
The former Ukip and Brexit Party leader said he has previously turned down requests but has been in contractual talks over the last few days.
Fairly soon, we could be watching Nigel Farage eating kangaroo testicles on ITV, with 'I'm A Celebrity' bosses eyeing up a coup.
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