Farage cuts a puzzled figure as he turns up to tractor protest in London
Well if it isn't the consequences of your own actions, Nigel...
Well if it isn't the consequences of your own actions, Nigel...
(And why it spells bad news for a party that has put all its eggs in one basket)
A powerful Tory faction has called for Boris Johnson to return and front the referendum campaign to 'square off' Nigel Farage.
"I would like him to become a member of the Conservative Party and help turn our country around.”
Moderates within the Conservative Party Tory are said to be alarmed that Truss is building up a new campaign base.
Galsworthy has advocated for a gradual, pragmatic approach to rejoining the EU.
Rishi Sunak had the highest favourability rating of his front bench, and similar ratings to Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage, the Ipsos poll indicated.
In fact, the stunt behind it is far worse!
"This poll does make me consider getting back on the pitch far more seriously than ever before", the former UKIPer said.
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