Nearly half of specialist doctors in England and Wales born outside UK
The census figures highlight how recruitment from across the world has shaped the modern-day NHS.
The census figures highlight how recruitment from across the world has shaped the modern-day NHS.
The breakthrough follows days of talks with the Government over the long-running dispute over pay.
"Don't give up. Strengthen your system. Put money into the system. Do what you have to do to make sure you have the doctors and nurses."
WATCH: Sir Rod Stewart speaks to Sky News, after he paid for members of the public to have scans at a mobile scanning unit in Essex.
Bernie Sanders sits down with Andrew Marr to discuss Jeremy Corbyn being banned from standing as a Labour MP, strikes, and the NHS.
Unison revealed more staff would join the dispute after revealing strike ballot results in other branches of the NHS.
“It’s one of the proudest things Britain has ever done and it’s now under threat from people who mustn’t be allowed to get away with this."
Recent data suggests Britain's exit from the European Union has reduced UK tax receipts by £40 billion a year.
"The direction in which the Conservatives are travelling is already clear. The sick would pay for being sick." – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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