Free NHS prescriptions could be axed from April amid price and tax hikes
The blow for the over-60s comes amid increases in National Insurance, energy bill costs, income tax, rail fares and council tax.
The blow for the over-60s comes amid increases in National Insurance, energy bill costs, income tax, rail fares and council tax.
"Health is not just when you're in the hospital... It also has to do with how you treat someone after they've been discharged from the hospital," the woman said.
"Nobody in the #NHS has anything to feel guilty about. You have done us proud. You have worked miracles with very limited and often dwindling resources," was the heartfelt response to the Telegraph article.
"There is a weird taboo around financial incentives in healthcare. A fiver would do it. Hey, even a parking pass.. or lunch."
“There will be a point where the funding will be cut so much, we won’t have a national health service,” he told The London Economic.
The scheme has been branded ‘Robin Hood in reverse’ by Labour.
The prime minister’s working majority of around 80 MPs was slashed to 26, with the former justice secretary urging ministers to "look again" at the issue.
In the speech, which reduced some delegates to tears, he said: "We must never, ever let the NHS free from our grasp. Because if we do, your future will be my past."
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