Nadine Dorries says sleaze scandal won’t damage Tories in leaked WhatsApp messages
She said the expenses scandal was a "billion times worse" and they still managed to "monster Labour in the local elections" one year later.
She said the expenses scandal was a "billion times worse" and they still managed to "monster Labour in the local elections" one year later.
The Doctor Who showrunner also hit out at the government for trying to "control culture".
"Anyone who thinks the BBC is an elitist, Lefty closed shop for the double-barrelled should read this," tweeted Fleet Street Fox AKA Susie Boniface.
"Nadine Dorries is going to sh*t her teeth when she finds out what goes on in the office of Nadine Dorries," tweeted James Felton.
The SNP’s culture spokesman John Nicolson joked it was “just as well there are no homosexuals in the arts sector” as he made reference to the issue when welcoming Ms Dorries to her new post. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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