Dorries: BBC needs saving from itself…but who will save Nadine?
Ms Dorries – who froze the BBC licence fee in January – likened the broadcaster to a “polar bear on a shrinking ice cap”.
Ms Dorries – who froze the BBC licence fee in January – likened the broadcaster to a “polar bear on a shrinking ice cap”.
"Being the actual arbiter of these things: I hereby award you this week's internet," wrote one amused viewer.
"Nearly snorted my tea out of my nose," wrote one very amused viewer.
The culture secretary praised Martin Vickers for being "out there supporting the PM" - but she got the wrong MP.
The feisty interview has been making the rounds on social media this morning.
"Hello, is that The Irony Helpline?"
The Labour leader said the Tories ‘threaten the future’ of the BBC and Channel 4.
"I’m not saying there’s something afoot but this is how I looked at my bacon roll this morning", one person said.
Scotland's culture secretary has warned that “Ideologically-driven threats” to its funding arrangements risk destabilising the "valuable asset”. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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