Nadine Dorries now seems to be following the Trump playbook
Nadine Dorries says Boris Johnson was removed via a 'coup'.
Nadine Dorries says Boris Johnson was removed via a 'coup'.
Her Sky News interview also got interrupted by an unwanted guest (not Steve Bray) who caused a bit of off-camera commotion.
Nadine Dorries pointed to reports that Rishi Sunak has been pictured wearing a £3,500 suit and £490 Prada shoes.
"If they can’t stand each other, who else would stand them?" wrote Labour's Angela Rayner in response to the Tory row.
The government has recently admitted trying to alter Channel 4's annual report to make it more positive about privatisation.
"Starmer wished Johnson and his family well.Johnson responded by calling Starmer a human bollard. You want to talk about graceless, compare & contrast?"
And also this week the government has admitted trying to alter Channel 4's annual report to make it more positive about privatisation.
The Culture Secretary has been a staunch supporter of the outgoing Prime Minister.
"She's probably a stronger Brexiteer than both of us", they said of the MP who passionately campaigned to remain in the European Union in 2016. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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