Our most viral videos of 2022
From Mick Lynch roasting the media, to Liz Truss and Gary Neville being burnt, all the way to a Ukrainian singer swearing at Putin.
From Mick Lynch roasting the media, to Liz Truss and Gary Neville being burnt, all the way to a Ukrainian singer swearing at Putin.
The rail union had the best response to Piers Morgan’s tweets and follow up challenge to have Mick Lynch on his show.
The union boss Mick Lynch hit back and asked Madeley 'why don't you just interview yourself?' in this must-watch interview.
As the strikes begin, RMT general secretary Mick Lynch did the morning round and as usual, he completely shows them up.
The RMT general secretary has written to Rishi Sunak saying a meeting between the two men was now the best prospect of making any progress.
Mick Lynch 'spitting straight facts' as he attacks the government for their actions in negations to end strike action.
Mick Lynch has accused the Conservative government of “corrupting business” as fresh Christmas strike action is announced.
The RMT man has been out defending fresh strike action again this week. We've dug through the archives to pick out his best bits.
"Is anyone from a normal outlet?", the RMT man said.
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