Gove donor won £164 million in PPE contracts through ‘VIP lane’
David Meller - a prominent Tory donor - was referred for a PPE deal via the government's 'VIP lane'.
David Meller - a prominent Tory donor - was referred for a PPE deal via the government's 'VIP lane'.
Gove declined to point out that the EU is currently home to around 80 freeports.
A man appeared to shout “Arrest Michael Gove”.
The BBC's political editor and Gove reportedly let their hair down after Tory conference - raising questions about her impartiality.
Claims made by Boris Johnson and Michael Gove a month before the 2016 EU referendum that gas bills will be cheaper if Brits back Brexit resurfaced as UK is currently facing massive gas price hikes.
Recordings of Gove at three debates when he was a student and then a journalist have been branded "disgraceful".
Prof Louise Richardson lashed out at Gove's infamous "had enough of experts" comment at a recent university summit.
“This has aged as well as a lettuce left unpicked in the field," wrote one Twitter user.
Gove said on Tuesday that “ultimately, if you can be vaccinated and you refuse to, that is a selfish act”. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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