Mel Stride admits Liz Truss left a ‘deep and painful scar’ on the Tories’ reputation
The shadow chancellor said Truss's mini-budget "severely damaged" the Conservative's mantle of economic fiscal competence "at a stroke".
The shadow chancellor said Truss's mini-budget "severely damaged" the Conservative's mantle of economic fiscal competence "at a stroke".
Attempts to pull up the drawbridge have had the opposite intended effect. Now, its architects are doubling down.
He's been quoted as saying that the UK's current maternity leave policies are too "onerous"
The next time the Tories try and scare you about what a Labour government would mean for your taxes, show them this...
Sky News used the same modelling deployed by the Tories during the leader's debate to calculate tax increases since the last election.
In a statement to the Commons, Work and Pensions Secretary Mel Stride set out plans to overhaul the way disability benefits work. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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