Telegraph claims Truss had a ‘democratic mandate’ to tank economy
Despite being voted in by a measly 0.17 per cent of Brits and having a net favourability rating of -70 she had a democratic mandate, apparently.
Despite being voted in by a measly 0.17 per cent of Brits and having a net favourability rating of -70 she had a democratic mandate, apparently.
She is expected to be joined by two other former prime ministers, Australia’s Scott Morrison and Belgium’s Guy Verhofstadt.
Apparently causing market chaos and shredding Britain's reputation internationally is no bad thing.
Labour suspects that it was Liz Truss’s official plastic he used to do it.
White powder residue was found after events held at Chevening and Downing Street, say sources as the governments attempts drug crackdown.
From Mick Lynch roasting the media, to Liz Truss and Gary Neville being burnt, all the way to a Ukrainian singer swearing at Putin.
The ex-prime minister lasted just six weeks in No10, making her the UK's shortest-serving premier in history.
The former prime minister always wanted to ‘turn it up to 11’ her chief speech writer has said.
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