Led By Donkeys targets Tufton Street with oversized blue plaque
'The UK economy was crashed here'
'The UK economy was crashed here'
Almost half of the public think Boris Johnson has done a bad job as prime minister, the worst rating of any post-war British leader, a new poll has found.
"I often wonder whether, in the privacy of their own homes, they replay the claims and promises they made and compare it with the outcomes delivered."
"A devastating, damning and essential litany of institutional failure. Listen. RAGE. DISMANTLE."
"The delays will not be at Dover they will be at Calais", Jacob Rees-Mogg assured voters.
It comes as Mark Logan who resigned as parliamentary private secretary, wrote: 'You're taking the p*ss now. #go' this morning on Twitter.
This devastating testimony reveals the abject cruelty being inflicted on refugees facing deportation to Rwanda. It is a policy that shames our nation. (Voiced by an actor to protect him from retribution from the Home Office)
"This is as damning as it is concise."
"In France and Germany they're seizing super-yachts. In London... nothing."
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