Police commissioner criticises own force over arrest of member of Laurence Fox’s political party
“A man was arrested on suspicion of sending by public communication network an offensive, indecent, obscene, menacing message or matter."
“A man was arrested on suspicion of sending by public communication network an offensive, indecent, obscene, menacing message or matter."
"Kathy Burke is national treasure. Laurence Fox is national trash," wrote one person as the argument unfolded.
The actor and activist changed his profile picture to a Swastika made from the pride flag just days after a tragic shooting in Oslo.
it comes just days after a gunman killed two people during the Oslo Pride festival.
"I think it would be fair for me to say that this was an ambitious application," judge Justice Nicklin said.
"Laurence Fox gets his ar*e handed to him by Gary Lineker," tweeted one person after the spat.
"It's a foreign invasion into a sovereign state and the committal of war crimes. How do you, "both sides" that?", one person responded.
The anti-vax activist said he had been "visited by Lord Covid at last... if the LFT is to be believed".
Well this backfired...
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