Key points from Labour’s blueprint for a ‘New Britain’
Labour’s commission on the UK’s future, led by Gordon Brown, set out a series of plans to shake up the way the country works.
Labour’s commission on the UK’s future, led by Gordon Brown, set out a series of plans to shake up the way the country works.
A new report on the UK's future also recommends sweeping constitutional reform in an attempt to "clean up politics".
Senior Tory MP Charles Walker described the vote as a “sort of live fire exercise” for the Tories, saying they certainly will not win the next election.
Paul Brand described it as a "sobering moment for Rishi Sunak", while Labour said it sends a "clear message" to his new administration.
The Chairman of Tesco has praised Labour for its 'actionable' plans to grow the economy - but he wasn't as complimentary towards the Tories.
“As the old saying goes, if you don’t laugh, you cry," a Labour source said.
It comes as Liz Truss's approval rating plummets to -47 per cent - worse than any recorded for Boris Johnson or Theresa May.
These are the sorts of figures that would likely see a landslide Labour victory at a general election – were one to take place tomorrow.
“Time will tell if such sentiment reflects a decisive shift in Labour’s favour or merely reflects a moment in time.” – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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