Labour accuses Sunak of £1.05bn Tory mortgage penalty responsibility
Labour estimates households have paid £1.05 billion in higher mortgage payments since the mini-budget last year.
Labour estimates households have paid £1.05 billion in higher mortgage payments since the mini-budget last year.
Professor Sir John Curtice said the local elections indicated that Labour would fall 14 seats short of a majority in a general election.
The Labour cabinet minister was forced to answer awkward questions about Sir Keir Starmer’s commitment to the pledges.
Until the public feels it can trust the government again, the Conservatives will "struggle to turn around their position in the polls".
Labour said around 1.8 million people had been underpaid due to processing errors by the DWP, HMRC or local authorities.
Labour blocked the former Kensington MP Emma Dent Coad from the longlist to fight the seat at the next election.
The Labour leader has said he stands by ‘every word’ of the campaign claiming the PM does not want child abusers to go to jail.
Emily Thornberry continued to defend the initial advert accusing the Prime Minister of not wanting child sex abusers to go to jail.
The opposition party was accused of ‘appalling’ and ‘debased’ politics after posting the ad on Twitter on Thursday. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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