Iceland boss and ex-Tory donor switches backing to Labour
Richard Walker, the executive chairman of the supermarket, endorsed Sir Keir Starmer to be the next Prime Minister.
Richard Walker, the executive chairman of the supermarket, endorsed Sir Keir Starmer to be the next Prime Minister.
The 24-page document does not make mention of the party’s pledge to spend £28 billion annually on green projects.
The Cabinet Office said the Prime Minister had authorised access talks.
Up to a million undecided voters believe Brexit has failed and want a Labour government to pursue closer ties to the EU, new polling shows.
"Rishi’s bottled it. We say bring it on."
Only one in ten people now believe the opposite to be true.
There's no unity between Labour and the Green Party at the minute, as both remain at odds over calls for a ceasefire in Palestine.
The latest opinion poll by Survation indicates that if a general election were called tomorrow then Labour would be set to win a record 431 seats with nine cabinet members losing their seats
The councillors said they ‘cannot remain in a party that is not doing enough while innocent people are being killed’. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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