Nullify far left and reject ‘wokeism’ to win power again, Blair urges Labour
The former prime minister’s comments are part of a foreword to a report, commissioned by the Tony Blair Institute, on why voters rejected the party in 2019.
The former prime minister’s comments are part of a foreword to a report, commissioned by the Tony Blair Institute, on why voters rejected the party in 2019.
The agreement includes moves to establish rent controls, extend free school meals and set up a publicly owned energy company.
"These latest poll numbers are obviously striking, and while recent polls have begun to show slim Labour leads, none have been quite as comprehensive as this one."
"I’m sorry but who ever signed off Keir Starmer being subjected to 5 mins of why Brian Cox will never vote Labour again is an evil genius," Ava Santina said.
Rachel Reeves said the Chancellor's Budget was "loading the burden" on working people.
In a new report, the former Labour frontbencher said his plan was "both morally as well as fiscally correct".
EXCLUSIVE: Alexandra Bulat, Lara Parizotto and Marcela Benedetti, who set up Migrants for Labour in a bid to shake up the party’s diversity, have all been selected by Labour to undergo candidate training for Westminster in the 2024 parliamentary elections.
It echoes a trend in Europe, where recent elections show the pendulum could be swinging back towards the left.
The accused staffers said Labour "should be focusing on the deeply troubling evidence" in the leaked report. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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