Labour opens up TEN POINT lead in the polls
Just 6 per cent of people said they thought Mr Johnson had been honest in responding to questions about Downing Street parties.
Just 6 per cent of people said they thought Mr Johnson had been honest in responding to questions about Downing Street parties.
The Peace and Justice Project party could be set up if Corbyn is unable to run for Labour in Islington North.
"The funny thing about this is that, from everything I've ever heard from people in his constituency, Corbyn's popularity stems to a great degree from him being someone who actually helps people with their problems."
The former leader is reportedly considering establishing his own political party after accepting he will never be reinstated as a Labour MP.
Labour estimated some of the major cost rises facing British households this year as voters feel the financial hit triggered by Tory policies.
The new survey also shows seven in ten have seen their living costs rising more than their household income over the past year, and the trend of living costs rising more than household income is thought to continue throughout this year.
“Making Brexit work is painstaking work, and slogans won't cut it," the Labour leader said.
He is tied along with shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper according to a survey by DeltaPoll released over the weekend.
If the results were repeated in a General Election it could lead to the loss of more than 100 Tory seats. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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