Jeremy Corbyn tells Keir Starmer to stop ‘paving the way’ for Reform amid welfare cuts
The former Labour leader has called for a wealth tax on those with assets over £10m.
The former Labour leader has called for a wealth tax on those with assets over £10m.
Chancellor Rachel Reeves had repeated the minister's messaging.
Corbyn accused the government of “robbing disabled people of security and dignity."
“Brexit is a disaster. It is a disaster by anybody’s metric."
"The government has chosen to punch down on some of the poorest and most vulnerable."
"This nonsense can't continue - we need to start saying yes."
Dozens of Labour MPs have united in a bid to steer young men away from “toxic influencers” with upbeat messages about fatherhood and the promise of better paternity rights. A new cohort of predominantly male MPs, many from “red wall” constituencies, are calling for Labour to appeal to men explicitly, ...
The work and pensions secretary blamed 'the legacy of 14 years of Tory failure.'
"There's the assumption that someone will come along to bail them out." – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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