Starmer wrote a 14,000 word essay – no one read it – but they were quick to comment
"Glad to announce that I've secured the movie rights for Keir Starmer's 14,000 word essay", one person commented.
"Glad to announce that I've secured the movie rights for Keir Starmer's 14,000 word essay", one person commented.
Starmer wants to scrap ‘One Member, One Vote’ in favour of a controversial return to an electoral college.
Sir Keir Starmer wants to scrap the ‘one member, one vote’ system in favour of a return to an electoral college.
The Battersea MP, who resigned this week, was reportedly blocked from creating policy to tackle racial injustice.
In a speech to the Trade Union Congress, Sir Keir outlined Labour's "new deal" for workers.
Angela Smith warned Corbyn against doing anything "un-Labour" or "un-comradely".
“I spent four years trying to get a response from these people – my MP’s treatment of me is absolutely disgusting."
In order to win the next election, "we have to win the future,” Sir Keir told The Observer.
The Labour leader pulled no punches in his criticism of the foreign secretary's actions. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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