Labour surges to 11 point lead in ‘Red Wall’ amid Partygate scandal
Keir Starmer has taken a convincing lead in the 'Red Wall', a new poll has revealed.
Keir Starmer has taken a convincing lead in the 'Red Wall', a new poll has revealed.
Starmer said “public services should be in public hands" during the Labour leadership race.
To most pundits, the Northern Independence Party is a joke. Most pundits are wrong.
The new survey also shows seven in ten have seen their living costs rising more than their household income over the past year, and the trend of living costs rising more than household income is thought to continue throughout this year.
“Making Brexit work is painstaking work, and slogans won't cut it," the Labour leader said.
A petition to deny Blair his knighthood has already soared past half a million signatures.
He is tied along with shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper according to a survey by DeltaPoll released over the weekend.
The shadow foreign secretary claimed he "never believed" Corbyn could win the leadership in 2015.
The Labour leader ruled out formal pacts with rival parties, but said he was focused on his own party’s target seats. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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