Rebecca Long-Bailey readmitted to Labour Party along with three other MPs
Three MPs - including John McDonnell - remain suspended.
Three MPs - including John McDonnell - remain suspended.
The former Labour leader voluntarily attended a police station along with John McDonnell.
'Just a small reminder of what could have been.'
Former shadow chancellor John McDonnell addressed demonstrators in central London.
"I never heard Ian calling out Boris Johnson and his anti-semitic tropes or his racism", the Labour MP said.
"There needs to be an understanding in the Labour leadership in particular, about the role that trade unions will always play no matter who's in government."
"The governing party is sort of collapsing before our eyes. I'm trying to be as objective as I can on this, but literally it's collapsing."
"The louder the cheering on the day, the greater the disappointment by the weekend." – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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