Younger Democrat nomination would sweep up in battleground states – poll
Nearly two-thirds of Democrats now want Biden to withdraw from the presidential race.
Nearly two-thirds of Democrats now want Biden to withdraw from the presidential race.
Biden was due to speak at the Unidos event in Las Vegas on Wednesday afternoon.
The President told an NBC interview he would still focus on the comments of his Republican rival.
UK prime minister Sir Keir Starmer defended Biden’s Nato leadership.
Biden has refused to end his re-election bid after his weak debate performance against presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump.
The incumbent president and Democratic nominee had faced calls to withdraw after a faltering TV debate performance against Donald Trump.
The 81-year-old president said he ‘wasn’t very smart’ and ‘didn’t listen to my staff’ about two back-to-back European trips.
Biden’s fumbling performance has led some in the Democrat Party to start considering whether to draft a new candidate.
Polls show Donald Trump is on course for a landslide return to the White House. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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