Liverpool fans bellow out “Oh Jeremy Corbyn” in Salzburg
A brilliant, impossible-angle finish from Mohamed Salah clinched a 2-0 victory in Austria and ensured Liverpool finished top of Group E.
A brilliant, impossible-angle finish from Mohamed Salah clinched a 2-0 victory in Austria and ensured Liverpool finished top of Group E.
"Are we going to accept the inequality, the poverty and injustice or are we going do something a bit different and try and change it around by investing in our people for the future and investing in our planet?"
He said the situation facing Labour was ‘abysmal’ because voters ‘can’t stand Corbyn’ and think the party has ‘blocked Brexit’.
Inside the card there is a personal message from Luis Walker, 9, which reads: “My Christmas wish is for everyone all over the world to get the medicine to make them feel better.”
The Labour leader said a confidential report paints a ‘damning picture’ of Boris Johnson’s deal, especially when it came to Northern Ireland.
Noam Chomsky, Roger Waters and Steve Coogan added their names to a letter backing Mr Corbyn to be next prime minister.
The Labour leader will deliver a speech in York today.
The PM, meanwhile, spoke of his anger at the attack, and said it was ‘absolutely clear that we can’t carry on with the failed approaches of the past’.
A hoax tweet pretending the Labour Party leader tweeted that the London Bridge attacker was murdered is being circulated on social media and whats app. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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