Jeremy Corbyn was undermined and badly advised, says Emily Thornberry
The shadow foreign secretary declined to name anyone specifically but said ‘people know who it is that I’m talking about’.
The shadow foreign secretary declined to name anyone specifically but said ‘people know who it is that I’m talking about’.
The shadow foreign secretary is the first Labour figure to formally announce a bid for the top job.
The former Prime Minister said the result "has brought shame on us. We let our country down.”
Anyone who stands up for real change will be met by the full force of media opposition,” the Labour Party leader wrote in an open letter.
'From the three proudest sons on the planet, please continue the fight’
The Labour Party leader’s tweet caused quite a few scares on polling day.
While the Labour leader has met with cheering crowds around the nation, his Conservative counterpart appeared to be hiding from scrutiny from interviewers, TV debates and the public to avoid people taking him to taking him to task over his broken promises and the Conservative record in power.
"We represent a significant number of Jewish people who support the Labour Party and the left wing policies of Jeremy Corbyn, and Jewish people are as badly affected as all other people by this vicious racist cruel Tory government that is punishing the poor and disabled and we all need ...
Jeremy Corbyn pokes fun at Boris Johnson for hiding in a fridge to avoid an interview – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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