Keir Starmer’s net favourability 50 points ahead of Jeremy Corbyn
Starmer has called on the government to form a "national consensus" on the next phase of the coronavirus response.
Starmer has called on the government to form a "national consensus" on the next phase of the coronavirus response.
The outgoing leader said his time in charge had ‘changed the agenda on austerity’ but that Brexit derailed a 2019 election win.
The left wing rebel will leave mark on Labour after his departure.
Laura Alvarez said the NHS would have been better prepared for the coronavirus crisis if her husband had been in Downing Street.
A tribute to the outgoing Labour leader, who became the people’s ‘ism’.
He said: "We may not agree on everything, but no one can doubt his sincerity and determination to build a better society".
He said he would continue campaigning on the economy, human rights and environmental issues once his successor in the role takes over next month.
The membership are choosing between Sir Keir Starmer, Rebecca Long-Bailey and Lisa Nandy.
The shadow foreign secretary narrowly fails to get the constituency party nominations needed to make it onto the ballot paper. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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