Jeremy Corbyn recounts time Afghan migrant turned up to his office
"Go and see Mr Corbyn, he'll help you out", the young migrant was told.
"Go and see Mr Corbyn, he'll help you out", the young migrant was told.
The former prime minister’s comments are part of a foreword to a report, commissioned by the Tony Blair Institute, on why voters rejected the party in 2019.
Paul Nickerson has also tweeted an apology - and asked people to retweet it.
The agreement includes moves to establish rent controls, extend free school meals and set up a publicly owned energy company.
Paul Nickerson has been suspended by his council’s Conservative group over the "inappropriate and offensive" tweet.
Councillor Paul Nickerson apologised for the tweet, claiming his account had been hacked.
"Using the terrorist attack in Liverpool to have a pop at Corbyn is beyond vile," one person said, calling for him to resign.
As the old adage goes, only when the working class stop reading right-wing news will we see progressive change.
In a new report, the former Labour frontbencher said his plan was "both morally as well as fiscally correct". – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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