More than 60 MPs write to The S*n editor condemning Jeremy Clarkson article
Clarkson has apologised for writing the piece, but the question remains: why was it allowed to be printed in the first place?
Clarkson has apologised for writing the piece, but the question remains: why was it allowed to be printed in the first place?
The Sun have responded by taking the column down, saying Jeremy Clarkson told them to do it.
The former Top Gear presenter, 62, said he would ‘be more careful in future’ following an online backlash.
"I want to make it very clear that I stand against everything that my dad wrote", Emily Clarkson said.
Radio DJ Edith Bowman said that Clarkson was a "vile misogynist," whilst Kathy Burke labelled him a "colossal c**t."
"DefCon level 8 would actually be very low risk, you turnip," wrote one person reacting to Clarkson's comment about the current heatwave.
"Are we now so stupid that we can’t see a difference between someone with a swastika tattooed on their forehead, in the basement of an East End pub, barking far-right propaganda at half a dozen skinheads, and someone on stage in Southend-on-Sea trying to make people laugh?", he asked.
"This will not go down well in Red Wall seats at all," one said.
The Grand Tour presenter said scientists advising the government should "get back in their box". – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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