Jeremy Clarkson is furious about the Budget and people think they know why
"Won’t somebody please think of the poor multi-millionaires?"
"Won’t somebody please think of the poor multi-millionaires?"
‘Your lunch, if it arrives at all, is costing us a lot more than it’s costing you – so please be kind’
In a post on X, one of the visitor’s to the pub shared a picture of a note in the pub window which lists the “people who are banned.”
The Environment Secretary has told MPs he is in “very advanced discussions” with Michael Gove on extending permitted development rights.
Jeremy Clarkson and farming contractor Kaleb Cooper will battle failing crops and rising prices in the show.
There will be one final season of the show with Clarkson
"I’ve certainly tried"
The 'Free Speech Union' claim the reaction to the Clarkson's controversial Sun column has been “completely disproportionate”. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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