Prince William aims rocket at Bezos over billionaire space race
The Duke of Cambridge said the world's "greatest minds" should be "fixed on trying to repair this planet".
The Duke of Cambridge said the world's "greatest minds" should be "fixed on trying to repair this planet".
Richest man in the world, Elon Musk celebrated by tweeting Jeff Bezos a silver medal emoji.
At a meeting in New York, the Amazon founder said it was up to governments to set taxation frameworks.
Only a few days before Bezos' space trip, more than 150 people lost their lives during a tragic flooding in western Europe.
"When they’re p*ssing in bottles rather than be fired for toilet breaks this sounds more like a taunt," James Felton said.
The Amazon founder plans to launch himself into space later this month.
A bombshell ProPublica investigation revealed how little the super-rich, including Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk, paid in federal taxes.
"In all fairness if he was at home doing nothing and not touching the NHS he probably was."
The US president joins New Zealand and Argentina in asking the most wealthy to pay their fair share towards the pandemic recovery. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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