World’s richest men in petty row on X
The Tesla billionaire claimed Bezos had advised people to sell their stock in his companies ahead of the US election.
The Tesla billionaire claimed Bezos had advised people to sell their stock in his companies ahead of the US election.
Oxfam said that, on the other hand, almost five billion people have become poorer.
Blue Origin’s launch commentary went silent when the capsule catapulted off the rocket Monday morning, eventually announcing: “It appears we’ve experienced an anomaly with today’s flight. This wasn’t planned.”
"You, a white male billionaire, saying this to a black woman is astronomical levels of asinine you know that right."
Amazon's UK operation saw revenues surge past £23 billion for the first time recently. Jeff Bezos is worth $129.6 billion alone!
Locals are furious that a historic bridge will be dismantled to let the Amazon founder's yacht out to sea.
Meanwhile Covid has plunged more people into poverty, the charity said in a new report.
Six Amazon workers died when a deadly tornado devastated a warehouse in Illinois on Friday.
“Billionaire philanthropy won't save us.” – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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