Singapore-based entrepreneur James Dyson echoes Tory ‘growth coalition’ concerns
He called for more tax-slashing policies that incentivise growth, warning that companies will "transfer jobs and invest elsewhere" if not.
He called for more tax-slashing policies that incentivise growth, warning that companies will "transfer jobs and invest elsewhere" if not.
The billionaire businessman said he is still confident it will work because "we're independent" and we can "control our own destiny".
The workers allege that they lived under the constant threat of punishment and persecution by factory management if they didn’t adhere to what they wanted them to do.
Sir James Dyson is a long-time opponent of home working, and wants his staff in the office even as Omicron spikes.
the pro-Brexit entrepreneur was accused of "hypocrisy" after moving Dyson's global headquarters to Singapore in 2019. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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