US begins delivering munitions to Israel
Planes have already taken off, said the official, who declined to provide details on the weapons.
Planes have already taken off, said the official, who declined to provide details on the weapons.
The Foreign Secretary backed Israel’s right to self defence but condemned police violence at Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque.
“He misidentified her. His reports in real time point to a misidentification,” an official said.
Israeli forces have been blamed for the incident, with the Palestinian Authority describing it as a "shocking crime".
“We worked a lot to reach the Olympics, but the Palestinian cause is bigger than all of this."
It comes as hundreds of Israeli ultra-nationalists paraded in east Jerusalem in a show of force that threatened to spark renewed violence
The Knesset approved a new coalition led by Naftali Bennett.
Naftali Bennett, leader of the Yamina party, said he intended to align with the opposition in Israel ousting the long-time prime minster.
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